I Tried The Internets Most Popular BOOTY Workout
And this is what happened..
I have a series I create on YouTube where I try the internets most popular workouts, so eventually it became time for booty.
I searched ‘booty workout’ and then filtered by view count and came across the most viewed booty workout on YouTube.
So the video taking the number one position is the ‘5 Minute Butt and thigh Workout for a Bigger Butt — Exercise to Life and Tone Your Butt and Thighs’ by FitnessBlender. This video is 6 years old and over that time has accumulated over 65 million views! (imagine the adsense on that, my goodness!)
Now my first thoughts was “5 minutes?! easy!” and honestly, for the first few moves, it was. but notice how I said first few moves? oh yes, it got tough.
So this workout consisted of 6 different exercises. Each exercise went for 40 seconds, followed by a very short 5 second rest before moving onto the next. This was no completely body weight, so equipment involved so anyone can do it, from any location.
The first exercise was narrow stance squats. EASY. The second exercise was sumo stance squats. EASY. Honestly, how is this the most viewed video?! This isn’t even a challenge? 80 seconds of slow and steady squats.. not very difficult.
So by exercise three we’re starting to up the cardio a bit, it’s time for 40 seconds of pop squats. If you don’t know what a pop squat is, it’s where you touch the floor in a squat position, jump up and bring your legs together before squatting back down, touching the ground and repeat.
Now this exercise (for me) was still doable, but we were getting harder. My heart was pumping now and 5 seconds rest was over before it even began. Now this is where the torture truly began. SQUAT HOLDS.
The fourth exercise was a 40 second squat hold. Now if this exercise was first it wouldn’t have been quite so bad, but being straight after pop squats oh BOY did my thighs feel this.
Here is an accurate representation of how I felt during this squat hold. if you can’t tell by my face it was burning. I had to straighten my legs a few times just for a second of relief, before getting back into the squat hold position.
So 40 seconds are up, and we have a sweet, sweet 5 second rest time. No exercise would be worse than what we just did.. right?
WRONG. next up is squat hold pulses, oh, wonderful.
So basically we’re doing the exact same exercise, just turning it up a notch.
Now what did make me feel better about myself during these next 40 seconds is that even the instructor in the video took a second to straighten her legs before continuing. Good to know it’s not just me with super weak thighs who’s suffering here!
So the 5 minutes is almost up and we have one final exercise to go. Give it all you’ve got. But what is it?
IT’S JUMP SQUATS. You’re not getting off that easily. and trust me, your thighs are already burning at this point. I do like how this workout was finished with a bang. We got that final bit of cardio in and ended with a high heart rate. (and sore thighs)
So what are my final thoughts? Does this deserve the title of the internets most popular booty workout? Honestly, yes.
It was much more intense than I thought it would be, especially for only 5 minutes. Also can we just talk about that for a second?! A 5 minute workout is extremely attractive. These days more people are very busy and getting in a quick but effective workout is crucial!
I enjoyed this workout, now that my legs have recovered I’d definitely (consider, maybe) doing it again. Although I feel this deserves the title of the internets most popular thigh workout over booty workout, i didn’t feel this much in my booty. Hip thrusts and fire hydrants would have been more beneficial.
But if you’re strapped for time and want a quick yet challenging and effective workout. Give it a go. This video doesn’t have 65 million views for nothing.