How I made more money in a month from side hustles, than at my full time job.
With a full breakdown of how much I made, from every different side hustle.
This is a sentence I never thought I’d say, I always dreamed of making money online but I never thought it was possible. But hard work pays off.
Let me start by saying this isn’t easy. I’m basically working 2 full time jobs. I work my regular 8–9 hour days at my marketing job, commute for an hour and then work for hours on my side hustles once I get home and in any spare moments I may get at my office desk during the day.
First up, let’s talk numbers.
At my full time job, I earn $813 every week. In the month of August there were four paydays. This totalled $3252.
The total I made in side hustles for the month of August was $4122.
Keep in mind this is all in Australian dollars.
So where did all this side hustle money come from?
First of all, the biggest of all my side hustles — Upwork.
Upwork is a freelancing website, and I’ve been fortunate enough to find an incredible job through it. I create batches of posts for different brands through a company which pays suprisingly well ($24 USD per 12 posts)
The total I made on upwork in the month of August creating social media posts for a wide variety of companies (cleaners, plumbers, orthodontists etc) was an insane $3406. This side hustle alone made me more money than I did at my full time job.
(although I take 30% out to put towards taxes, which makes the new total $2385)
Next up is iwriter. This is a website where you write articles for clients. There is a wide array of topics, and you don’t need to be a professional writer to start earning money. You sign up, write a test post and then if they’re happy with your writing you can start choosing articles and then writing them for clients (and getting paid!)
For the month of August, I made $452 writing all kinds of different articles.
I’m not done yet. My next lot of side hustle money came from Skillshare. Skillshare is similar to YouTube except purely for educational topics. I have a few classes uploaded to skillshare about growing a YouTube channel, taking self portraits etc. Now the best thing about Skillshare is this income is completely passive. I haven’t uploaded a new class to Skillshare in months. This money is purely from students viewing previously uploaded classes. So for the month of August, without doing an extra work I made $185 on Skillshare.
Last but not least, YouTube.
While this may be my lowest earning side hustle, it’s certainly my favourite. I love posting videos to YouTube and despite the small amount of money it makes me, I’m not stopping anytime soon. For the month of August, I made $78 on YouTube. Now this isn’t enough to actually get paid, because you need to make $100 to get a pay out, but that money rolls over, so I tend to receive a payment every second month.
So somehow, over all of these different side hustles I made an insane $4122 online. While to some this may not seem like a lot of money, to others it’s a lot. To me, it’s a dream come true. All my life I’ve wanted to make money online, working for myself and now it’s finally happening. While yes, it’s a lot of hard work while also managing a full time job, I also have the peace of mind that if something were to go wrong, I still have my stable income from my marketing job.
This means I can have fun with my side hustles as I grow them.
The only this to do from here is to aim higher. Can I make $5,000 a month online? How long will it take me to reach this goal? While I don’t know the answer to these questions, i’m excited to find out.
Making money online is possible, and anyone can do it. Get out there and hustle.